Internal Organ Damage Lawyers

Internal organ damage is the result of trauma suffered by the victim causing one or more internal organs to be injured and/or damaged. It’s common for internal organ damage to affect a victim’s head or abdomen. The human body has natural safeguards, such as the rib cage and skull, to try and prevent these types of injuries; however some trauma is strong enough to damage the organs. If you or a loved one has or is suffering an internal organ injury as a result of another’s negligence, please contact our PA internal organ damage lawyers now. We can get you the compensation you deserve after suffering a severe accident that caused internal organ damage.

Internal organ damage is a severe, catastrophic injury. If untreated, and sadly sometimes even after treatment, these injuries could cause long lasting effects to the victim and could be fatal.

After any kind of trauma a victim of internal organ damage can experience loss of consciousness, illness, memory loss, drowsiness, and aches and pains, also known as visceral pain. Visceral pain is pain that affects the soft organs. It is extremely common after internal organ damage and can be unbearable.

If you or a loved one are the victim of an internal organ injury, please, contact our Pennsylvania internal organ damage lawyers by calling 1-800-444-5309 or email us now for a free consultation. The attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm want to help you and your loved ones after the tragedy you have experienced. We, along with our team of medical and legal experts, will fight to get you the compensation and justice you deserve.

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