Complications and Effects of Amputation Injuries
The type of amputation, the victim’s health, and the victim’s age are all factors that could increase the chance for complications as result of an amputation.
The type of amputation, the victim’s health, and the victim’s age are all factors that could increase the chance for complications as result of an amputation.
Though it seems odd, the risk for serious complications after an amputation is higher for planned amputations than it is for emergency amputations.
This is due to the fact that most planned amputations occur in older victims with restricted blood supply and a history of poor health and/chronic health conditions like diabetes. Planned amputations are usually a “last resort” treatment option due to the high risk of complications. Planned amputations are only done if there is no other way to prevent serious life-threatening symptoms like gangrene from developing.
Common complications from amputations are:
Aside from suffering complications as result of the actual limb removal, victims also face a number of long-term effects after the amputation.
Phantom limb pain is when an amputee experiences pain, burning, or itching sensations that seem to be coming from the limb that has been amputated.
50-80% of amputation victims suffer phantom pain after the loss of a limb, though women more commonly suffer phantom limb pain than men. It has also been found that upper limb loss victims suffer phantom limb pain more than lower limb loss victims.
Phantom limb pain symptoms can be severe. Some victims experience brief flashes of pain while others complain of constant, numbing pain.
Amputation victims suffer psychological effects as well. Loss of limb victims report feelings of loss similar to experiencing the death of a loved one. Psychological treatment is necessary for amputation victims. After an amputation victim’s face the challenge of coping with:
These psychological issues often cause negative thoughts and emotions. This is especially true in people who had an emergency amputation, as they did not have time to mentally prepare themselves for the effects of surgery.
Depression, anxiety, denial, grief, the possibility of suffering post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and even suicidal thoughts are all common psychological effects after an amputation.
If you or a loved one is suffering with the long term effects or complications of an amputation, please, contact our Pennsylvania amputation lawyers by calling 1-800-444-5309 now for a free consultation. The attorneys at The Pisanchyn Law Firm want to help you and your loved ones after the tragedy you have experienced. We, along with our team of medical and legal experts, will fight to get you the compensation and justice you deserve.